If you are currently looking to buy a home and have the intention of having a swimming pool installed, there are a few things you should research first. You should research your property lines, easements, septic tanks, and any impervious surface regulations.
Property Lines: Contact the planning and development office governing the County (or City) where the home is located. You will need to know the distance that a pool should be located from the side and rear property lines. If you have a particular pool shape and size in mind, make sure it will fit within those guidelines.
Easements: Easements are areas of your yard that you cannot build permanent structures on. You can check the land survey to find out where these easements are located. These easements are typically used by utility companies to run underground electric, gas, and telephone lines. You can not install a pool, decking, equipment, or any permanent structure in this area.
Septic Tank: If the home has a septic tank, you will want to be sure to find out the location prior to buying the home if your heart is set on a swimming pool. Also, contact the environmental health department in your county to determine how far away the swimming pool needs to be from the septic tank and lines. Often times, a septic tank can mean the difference between a pool and no pool. Having a qualified, licensed contractor move these lines can significantly add on to the cost of the swimming pool.
Impervious Surface: Impervious surfaces refers mainly to walkways, sidewalks, decks that are made of asphalt, brick, stone, or concrete. They do not allow water to penetrate the ground. Many municipalities have regulations governing how much impervious surface is allowable in an area. Generally, this is a concern in larger cities because of the environmental impact of impervious surfaces.
I hope that this information is helpful. If you are considering buying a home with the intention of having a swimming pool installed, please do your research ahead of time. Watercolors Custom Pools wants you to be an informed consumer. If you found this information helpful, please link to us.
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